Friday, February 12, 2010

Quilting Marathon Activity

To replace the postponed activities that were interrupted by this week's storm forecast we are going to take advantage of Winter Break by hosting a Quilting Marathon Activity:

Help us assemble, sew, and maybe even get a jump on tying!  The format is open house, so come and go as you please!   

All day Wednesday, February 17th from 9 AM to 9 PM and again Thursday morning, 9 AM to noon.

The Relief Society will be providing light refreshments and may organize take-out at mealtimes.  Feel free to bring additional snacks to share!

We invite you to bring any friends and/or family members who are interested :)  We especially invite you to bring your daughters' participating in the Young Women or Faith in God programs!  We will open up the Primary wing as a play area for little ones (supervision will not be provided but we will help arrange a rotation for sisters who want to quilt and bring their kids along).

Still want to donate materials? We've collected enough fabric for about 20 quilts but are still working on getting batting and smaller supplies like white thread, safety pins, straight pins, needles and especially clamps.  If you have these items to donate or lend please contact Jennie Wilde or Connie Harrop so we can maximize the use of cash donations elsewhere.  Thank you!

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